Sunday, 30 November 2014

Don't be a Phony

If you get one thing out of this post it is this (three guesses for what it is): don't be a phony. I can not make this any clearer. No one likes a phony. While you have friends who do not know the real you then you do not really have any friends because they like the version of you that you let them see, not the real you. Also, once they find out who you really are they may no longer be your friends as they feel betrayed that you lied to them for so long. However, as I said before, be they your friends or not, no one likes a phony.

As a high school student I have known and still know a lot of phonies. Of course, you might be asking yourselves "Luke, how do you know they're phonies?" Though really I know you're not thinking that but for the sake of the argument, you are. You can easily tell a phony when you notice that they are actually two separate people. I'm not talking about clones, I'm talking about them being different people when they are with their 'friends' and when they are talking to you. This is really annoying because you have to ask yourself which one is real? Some of the nicest people you will talk to can be total dicks (if you'll pardon my anatomy) when they are around their 'friends'. I put the 'friends' in quotation marks because can you really call them your friends if they do not actually know the real person? That is actually an important question. Another is how much can you really trust someone who is not able to even be themselves? That is why my message to all you phonies out there is to stop. Seriously, take a look at yourself and finally be true to who you are.

Sorry for the short post, see you soon.

Blog Update

So I've decided with this blog that I will no longer post updates regularly but rather whenever I feel like posting about something. I have decided this for a few reasons. First because I do not have the time anymore to keep daily posts on this blog (hence the extended hiatus) and secondly so I can deliver quality posts to you goes. What I noticed when I was doing daily writing is that my posts became kind of strained and not very good quality because I did not really have a topic that I particularly cared about. At least this way I can post about something when it comes to my head or write it down for later.

Stay tuned for my next post "Don't be a Phoney" which will be released shortly. See you then