Friday, 26 April 2013


Hey guys, just a quick update to tell you all that I have discovered the wonders of scheduling posts on Blogger! Yay! This means that I won't have any excuse not to post on a certain day because I can write a post before hand and then schedule it to come out on the day I won't be able to post. Of course, this also means that you guys will know I have gotten lazy if a post does not appear. However, this may also be to some unexpected circumstance (i.e. Family Illness) that prevented me from posting on that day.

Is it bad that I wanted to write "Y'all" above? I've been watching too many Americans on YouTube, especially Ellen (Degeneres) she always says "Y'all". Anwyay, aside from the "Y'all"s I just wanted to say that I had discovered the wonders that scheduling brings. So, you may have realised if you "liked" my page on Facebook or are a friend of my personal Facebook account that a recent post about Google Plus which I scheduled to be released. Here is a photo below of what it looked like in my Posts section of my Blogger Acount for Daily Lukey, sorry for the bad quality, it's a screen snapshot using the Snipper Tool.

The only problem with scheduling is it uses a different Time Zone but it tells you what time it thinks it is currently so from there I work out the time and date I want it released. So yeah, now I can use the scheduling feature of the Blogger and there will be less days I will miss out on, yay!

May the odds be ever in your favour, goodbye!

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