Friday, 31 May 2013

End of Exams

The time of Exams is over, finally! It just feels so good to come home and know that you don't have any homework for the whole weekend. If this were twitter I would write #Paradise. My schoolwork right now is like the square root of a negative number; it's imaginary! This is really good because now I have a weekend where I can watch some Doctor Who and just relax after a frantic few weeks of studying. It just feels so exhilarating to be able to just relax for once in such a busy year.

So what's my plans for the weekend? Well I don't know past tomorrow morning when I have my Piano Lesson. I'll probably relax for once and watch some Doctor Who, possibly do some studying for Methods (just because I like Maths). Though Doctor Who is a certainty and right now I just bought Season 4 and my brother bought Season 5 so we are set for a while. Can I just say that the ending for Season 3 is so good. It's almost as good as the ending of Season 2 which I may have enjoyed more if my good friend Xavier hadn't ruined it for me. So Doctor Who is my new obsession (nothing new on the Catching Fire front except for a few posters) for the next few weeks so you may hear even more about it. So basically this weekend is time for a Doctor Who marathon and relaxation, I cannot wait!

The real question is how I manage to keep up this blog sometimes. The truth is that I do not even know how I do it. Sometimes I come home from school and start work straight away and continue this until I go to bed. I take breaks for shower and dinner but that is about it when I am really busy with study and school work. Sometimes I worry I will miss a day but it turns out I find time in the end. I do not even know how I come up with some of these topics although they are all related to something that has happened to me recently. These topics don't come out of nowhere. For example, my blog on Faith was scheduled for release on the day of my cousin's Confirmation (for which she chose me to be her sponsor [conceitedness level risen]). I say scheduled because I did not know when I would be able to get home so I wrote it the night before and scheduled it for release. It was actually the first post that I actually scheduled for release. I guess I just see this blog as another thing to do every day and I know it may not be as intricately researched as my friend Xavier's Current Affairs Blog but it is all my thoughts. I just want to say that if you do want to contact me for any reason about this blog or something else you can email me at which is the account I use for my YouTube contacts (not my account email) and stuff like that. Don't forget that you can always comment as well. So that is all for today and I look forward to a relaxing weekend!

May the odds be ever in your favour, see you tomorrow!

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