Thursday 6 June 2013


The world we live in today is one in which we categorise everything, even each other. It has come to a point where we have to look at ourselves and ask why? Why do we categorise everything? Why does everyone have to have a label? Why can't we just let things be as they are without the need to tell someone they are something or other. Sometimes these categories can take over and we do not see a person for who they really are, just what category they fall into.

Categories can be hurtful as well as hard to break out of. Basically, categorising someone or a group of people is stereotyping. Basically, that is what we do when we categorise someone. This is especially annoying when you know you do not fit into that category but everyone looks at you as if you do belong there. This is annoying for me as I am a teenager and whenever I go somewhere alone, even if this is just coming home from school, I can see people look at me or they will say something incredibly rude. There are so many times I have been going my own way home from school and people just tell you to stop loitering or doing something bad when you know you have never done that in your whole life. This is incredibly infuriating and just shows how judgmental people can be sometimes. It really annoys me when that happens because the truth is far from it. It really is horrible when someone makes judgments about someone just because they belong to a certain category (like Teenager or Rebel) when the truth can be far from the stereotypes. Just stop people, just stop.

Categories can take over who a person is and it becomes all we see in them. That one thing we see in them can become all they are to the people around them. Someone who is intelligent has more to them than just intelligence, they may be funny, a good cook or quirky. Yet all a person sees once they categorise them is the brains, nothing else. It really is horrible because once you get that label it is hard to break out of it. Everyone comes to you for help with work instead of anything else. Also, some people may be blonde but also smart. However, the first thing we see is blonde and first impressions are hard to change. Sometimes we have to realise that people are a lot more complicated than it first appears.

May the odds be ever in your favour, see you tomorrow!

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