Thursday 4 July 2013

Holiday Homework

It is that glorious time of the year when students are again on Holidays. I really enjoy this time of year, despite some people's belief, as it gives me a break from school and allows me to relax and recuperate. Maybe even catch up on some television or sleep here and there. Mostly, Holidays are really fun and enjoyable times that I look forward to. I'll admit sometimes I'll be counting down the weeks but only when there is so much work that I just want it all to end so I can relax. However, school holidays are more often than not marred by holiday homework. Marred does seem like a strong word but sometimes you can get so much homework you lose most of your holidays. Luckily I have not received too much homework so hooray!

Last holidays I did not actually have that much homework and all I really had was a Methods SAC which was basically all of Chapter 5. I did not actually realise how big it was though until I started. Luckily I started on the second Sunday of the Holidays so I had a whole week to complete it otherwise I would not have finished. I was working non-stop when I was home to finish it and I only actually did finish on the Sunday before school started. The reason it took so long was not because the questions were hard (in fact there were really only a few hard questions once you understood it) but rather because it all had to do with graphing which took a very long time. These holidays I have learnt my lesson and have already completed half my homework and expect to have finished the rest by tomorrow night and at least there was not any large tasks to complete and it is all pretty simple. So if you learn anything from this post, and I will be surprised if you do, it is to complete your holiday homework as soon as possible just so you can relax for the rest of the time.

A little work at the beginning pays off down the track, see you tomorrow!

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