Thursday 30 May 2013

Exam Logic

As you all will know if you have been reading my posts recently, this week is exam week. I just have to say that during exams people have some really messed up logic. I am terming such logic "Exam Logic" as it only happens when there is an exam. During the past two days I have experienced people doing some really illogical things. It is like full-moon madness except with exams, I guess you could call it Exam-Madness or something. If I miss anything be sure to comment down below on any weird "Exam Logic" you may have experienced.

One of the worst examples of "Exam Logic" I can think of right now happens before you even sit the exam. This is the logic where people think they will be able to get by without studying. I do not know how people even manage to do this when I still get stressed out with exams even after I have studied all night for them. I had a friend who claims (I say "claims" because I don't believe he could do that) to not have done any studying for his exams today and when I arrived to school he was playing a game on his laptop. The weird part is that when it comes to tests and assignments these people will study but when it comes to exams which is really just a big test they do not even get stressed when they don't study. How can you not study for exams? I would be a mess if I didn't study for any exams. "Exam Logic" can be really illogical at times.

"Exam Logic" really comes into play during the actual exam. The first part is when people get out all their pens and pencils but forget to bring out the most important part they'll need like a rubber or ruler. Halfway through they realise and they have to move their chairs to reach what they need and so they do what I talked about yesterday with the chair. They'll start out quick and then realise the noise it makes. From here they'll go extra slow to drag out the noise instead of going fast to get rid of the noise (oh the logic). Then there are the people who turn up on the day of a Maths exam without a calculator. Who would not think of bringing a calculator to their Maths exam? Then they go running around everywhere trying to find a spare calculator. It is even worse when they just assume they'll be able to borrow the calculator off the person nearest them. Like I said in yesterday's post they'll act like they're doing you a big favour in letting you use it until they need it. Excuse me, it's a Maths exam, you are more likely than not going to need the calculator most of the time. I just do not know how these people actually think anymore. Sometimes I think people just automatically switch off when exams come around. I really hope "Exam Logic" isn't contagious. Yes, I know the person in the picture is playing Pokemon, if you don't like it then email me at I'll be happy to reply. So I know this isn't all the "Exam Logic" that is going around these days so if I've missed out anything you have thought of then comment it down below or email me (see above).

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May the odds be ever in your favour, see you tomorrow!

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