Sunday 12 January 2014

Doctor Who Sunday: Top Moments of the Modern Doctor Part 8

Welcome back to another Doctor Who Sunday! As you may have realised, over the past two weeks this segment (in fact, all segments) took a brief hiatus and this is the first Doctor Who Sunday of the New Year! This segment is to do with all things Doctor Who. Currently we are going through some of the top moments of modern Doctor Who. Of course, this is of my opinion and so if you have any that I may have left out then do not hesitate to comment it down below or send it through via the contact form.

36. The Doctor Donna from Journey's End

Who did not just love this shock twist at the end of Journey's End? Personally, I find this finale one of my favourites in Doctor Who and this is just part of the reason. Donna Noble, played by the very talented Catherine Tate, has become part Doctor, part Donna, the Doctor-Donna. It is always fun to see one of the most feared monsters in the Universe turned into powerless machines. Plus, Donna's comedy became even better as she began spouting out nonsense that no one but a Timelord would be able to understand. It was a great scene.

37. The Spinning Daleks from Journey's End

This humiliation of the Daleks in Journey's End was a triumphant moment for many Whovians. As the Doctor Donna came through and saved the day she also managed to humiliate the most feared monster in the entire Universe. This scene can be seen (not intended) in the above clip. Just seeing them be pushed and kicked around was enough to put a spring in many a Whovian's step.

38. "I Don't Want to Go" from The End of Time Part 2

This was the scene that broke many hearts. It was the last time we thought we would ever see David Tennant as the Doctor and if it were not for the 50th Anniversary special it would have been. This farewell also set a precedent for Matt Smith's as when each of them regenerated they both said something that could be seen as coming from them as a farewell or just from the Doctor. Both of them were scripted but it was very emotional. Eccleston's farewell was not as much like these ones.

39. "Delete your internet history" from The Eleventh Hour

The first episode with Matt Smith (besides the regeneration at the end of The End of Time Part 2) was one that introduced you to the new Doctor and gave us all a taste of what we could expect from the new era of Doctor Who. In this episode, the Doctor is trying to save the world from a prison warden from another universe who will destroy the Earth if a prisoner is not recovered in twenty minutes. This scene sees the Doctor and Jeff, someone he found to help him besides Amy and Rory for once, take Jeff's laptop to hack into a conversation only to find something he was not expecting. As the Doctor said, "delete your internet history."

40. The Earth is Protected from The Eleventh Hour

After the prison wardens, known as the Atraxi, leave the Earth safe and sound the Doctor then calls the monster back, much to the surprise of Amy and Rory. The Doctor does this to show how angry he is that the Atraxi threatened to destroy the entire Earth just for one prisoner. It was a very triumphant moment of the Doctor showing his power and strength to stand against such monsters and intimidate them.

Tune in next Sunday to see more top moments of modern Doctor Who! See you tomorrow.

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