Tuesday 21 January 2014

Weird News Tuesday: Telegraph Edition

Welcome back to yet another Weird News Tuesday. In this segment we look through the news to find some weird stories or news items that really should not be considered news but rather scraping the bottom of the metaphorical barrel. As you may have guessed, this week we are using the United Kingdom's own Telegraph news site. I have not done this site before, the Telegraph I did was the Australian Daily Telegraph (about the 4th Weird News Tuesday back in November 2013). Let us see what weird news that London can throw at us after the burst of weird British news last week. Do you know "Imagine" by John Lennon (it is a song)? Well, some creative people have recycled guns seized by Mexican drug cartels (so specific) and turned them into musical instruments to recreate this iconic John Lennon song. It may not be the best rendition of the song but it sure sends a good message. You can view the video by clicking here. A Japan airline has caused an online furore over a thirty-second commercial that has been labelled as racist. You can view the commercial by clicking here (and scrolling down). In it, two men dressed in the airline's uniform say some things that I did not quite catch the drift of (the commercial is in English) and then one says that they should change the image of Japan. It then cuts to the other man who is suddenly wearing a blonde wig and an elongated nose (which you can see in the picture below). I, personally, do not find the commercial overly-racist but then I did not really catch the drift of the first half.

Continuing on with the airline theme, Sixty-six flight attendants broke into dance in front of very surprised customers in Shanghai Pudong International Airport to celebrate the first day of the 40-day festival to celebrate the Chinese new year. In Mexico-City there is an annual pet-blessing ceremony that pet-owners attend to protect their pet from "danger and misfortune". It is a great way to bring the community together and I suppose in our new day and age it does not seem as weird but, you have to admit, this is just the tiniest bit strange. I am not even going to click on the article about why the knight is the best chess piece. Judging by the description, the argument is that it can get to any space on the board (but so can a lot of other pieces). I did not plan to spend any more than a sentence about this article but look what you have gone and made me do. Apparently it was a Peruvian artist's dream to paint underwater and very recently his dream was recognised. He was decked out in scuba diving gear and then went for a swim along the ocean floor painting the fish that swam by him. You can watch the video by clicking here. There are so many links in this post, I think it is a big problem guys. I think I should stop with the links for the rest of the post (a promise I am likely to keep for only a few more sentences). A family has four children who all have the same birthday (but born in different years). There is a three year age gap between the first and second-born and then a two year age gap between the second and the third-born. That would be one hell of a year when one turns 21, another 18, and the last 16. In other countries turning 16 is more of a bigger deal than it is in Australia (though some Australians do love to celebrate) so that is going to be one expensive day or, more likely, week. Researchers have found that a healthy dose of narcissism can do wonders for your career and that narcissists are more likely to find themselves in a position of prominence. However, they also found that too much narcissism once in that position can lead to problems. So that sort of evens out the playing field for the rest of us. Most of us know about the 'humble' pick-pocket and now some magicians and a reformed criminal are doing the opposite. In order to raise awareness for pick-pocketing they are slipping cards into people's pockets instead of taking anything (that we know of). That is actually a very smart campaign as generally people believe they will never fall victim to the pick-pockets of our world yet by spreading the awareness through pick-pocketing it is showing that it can affect everyone. I certainly approve of this. A heated political debate was disrupted when one of the politician's iPad ringtone went off playing Queen's hit, "Fat Bottomed Girls". That would have really interrupted the debate which was being aired on BBC. Do I hear a new viral video? Next comes a very touching video (see, I told you I would put a link in here somewhere) of a stage-actor performing as Peter Pan proposing to his real-life girlfriend who is playing Wendy. He interrupts the whole show and makes a big speech about it (all the while Wendy is freaking out) and how much he loves this girl. You can watch this touching proposal by clicking here.

That is all there is time for today, see you back next Tuesday for some more weird-news stories. See you tomorrow!

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