Sunday 19 January 2014

Doctor Who Sunday: Top Moments of the Modern Doctor Part 9

Welcome to yet another Doctor Who Sunday! This is the segment with all things Doctor Who! Currently we are going through what I deem to be the best moments of modern Doctor Who. Of course there are heaps that I have not mentioned (yet) and I may have even forgotten a few of the best moments so feel free to comment below your own favourites or send them through to where I read every email you send (as it is sent to my phone so I have no choice). Let's begin!

41. The Truth about Starship UK from The Beast Below

Do you remember the famous quote "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" from A Few Good Men? That same thing can be said about Starship UK. When the world was burning due to the expansion of the Sun, the people on Earth fled to the stars on spaceships. This spaceship contains the whole of the United Kingdom (except for Scotland). Every person on board (except for some very few people in the control centre) believes that the ship is run by engines. However,  it is actually run by a space-whale which has the Starship UK attached to its back. Every 5 years, the people aboard Starship UK go to a voting booth individually. Here they watch a recording telling them the story of the Starship UK. After this they can vote to either "Protest" or "Forget". If 1% of the population select "Protest" than the program is stopped and the whale is set free. Even the Queen has chosen to "forget". There is a very emotional scene where the Queen watches a recording of herself telling the story of the Star Whale. When the world was burning and the children were crying this star whale came from above like a savior. On its back they built a ship to sail them away from their world. It is also revealed that this Star Whale is the last of its kind. It was very emotional as the Doctor had to decide whether to save millions of people and kill the last star whale or vice versa.

42. Scared Children from The Beast Below

This part of the episode sees Amy Pond, the Doctor's companion at that time, take a gamble that the space whale will stay to save the children. It is discovered that the Star Whale did not come to Earth all those years ago like a miracle, it came because it could not stand hearing children cry. It was a very poignant moment and the audience got a taste of the Amy Pond we would grow to love even more throughout the forthcoming episodes.

43. The Dreamlord from Amy's Choice

Toby Jones is great in this episode as he plays the Dreamlord who (SPOILER ALERT) turns out to be the Doctor's darker side brought out by psychic pollen in the TARDIS. In this dream brought on by the pollen, the Dreamlord creates two worlds with two very different dangers. Only one of the worlds is real (or so they are told) and they have to decide which world is the real one. Amy is also made in this episode to choose between the Doctor and Rory, hence the title Amy's Choice.

44. Amy can not Live Without Rory in Amy's Choice

After this scene, Amy decides that the real world is the one in the TARDIS as she can not bear to live in a world where Rory has died. Amy takes the van and kills herself and the Doctor by ramming it into her house. It is very emotional and one where we finally get to see who Amy loves more; Rory.

45. Vincent Hears of his Fame in Vincent and the Doctor

In this episode, Amy and the Doctor go to visit Van Gogh after discovering a monster in one of his works. They discover, and Amy is shocked, at how sad and dejected he is and how no one likes his works. This is the end of the episode where Amy and the Doctor take him to see a museum exhibit all about his artworks. The Doctor also allows him to overhear a conversation with one of the art historians and how he believes he is one of the greatest artists of all time. It is a very emotional scene.

We have reached the end of yet another Doctor Who Sunday, come back next week for more. See you tomorrow!

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