Friday 18 April 2014

My Kokoda Journey: I'm In!

As you know I am currently in Kokoda and so while I am away I have scheduled some posts to come out about my Kokoda experience. Yesterday I posted about how it all began but I can not link it as it has not been published at the time this post is been written. Anyway, today I continue with that story as well as discuss some of the emotions that I have been going through since joining the program and the emotions of what it is like to know that you are about to embark on the Kokoda trek. The start is a bit of a continuation from yesterday's but you should not have had to have read yesterday's post to understand this one. If you want, you can have a quick read now by scrolling down or after you read this post.

Original Image Source (no text):

It was on the morning of that day that I realised something was going on, not that I had any idea what it was. I never something was happening as the assistant principal had found me before school to tell me to come to her office at the end of recess that day. I had no idea that it had anything to do with the Kokoda leadership program as it had been a while since I had submitted my application. I think it was the end of May or the start of June at this point, I still have my acceptance letter but I do not know exactly where it is and it is a lot of effort to pull everything out just to find the date. Anyway, so recess finally comes around after a whole morning of me thinking I am in some kind of trouble and I am waiting patiently in the seats next to the office. Then Caroline, the other girl who was chosen from my school, joins me and at first I think we are both in trouble as it still had not hit me that it was for the Kokoda group. Before the assistant principal comes out of her office, a police officer comes into the office and stands around waiting too. By this point I am running through everything I had done recently in my head trying to find something that was so bad that the police had become involved. However, the assistant principal came out to collect us and take us into the principle's office (making my nerves even worse) before the police officer could say anything to us. When we got in there they told us the news and gave us our acceptance letters and I was so happy I was not quite sure what to say. I mean, when someone gives you a life-changing opportunity like this, what can you say? They talked us through what was going to happen and we found out that the Kokoda trek was going to happen in April 2014 (they had originally planned to do it in October 2013 but they were not ready early enough and the track is also closed during that time as it is too wet and dangerous to hike the track). We then got some photos for the newsletter and were sent to class. I was so excited I could not wait to tell everyone. I texted Mum and Dad saying I had some really exciting news but I wanted to tell them in person. I think one of the first things I actually said to either of them was the news that I was accepted into the program. It was a very good day for me and I could not wait for what my life would be like over the next few months.

My life was going to change and I was ready for it. See you tomorrow.

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