Wednesday 11 December 2013

Apology, Explanation, Disclaimer

Today's post is going to be an expansion, apology and disclaimer all rolled into one so get excited! Or do not, whatever suits you. First, I am very sorry for the lack of post yesterday but that was due to a busy day finishing with King Kong last night. Again, I am sorry for this but sometimes life gets in the way. Second, I wish to warn and apologise for a likely increase in these short phone-written posts. This is because every year Mum makes a year in review video and for this she uses the computer in the piano room. Since I had to return my school laptop the only other computer in the house is horrible because it is really slow and restarts every five minutes just because it can. This makes it very hard to write posts. However, over the next few days Mum is working so I will try to schedule some posts including a new segment (I was going to say exciting but that could be false advertising) as well as the usual ones. Basically, this post is my apology and explanation/disclaimer for these short post which I have to write on my phone which takes so much longer.

I hope these holidays provide me with some inspiration. See you tomorrow.

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