Saturday 7 December 2013

Random Thought Saturday: A Hectic Week

Welcome to another random post here on Daily Lukey. You may have realised that the
"Random Thought Friday" segment has been moved to a Saturday and this is just for ease-of-posting reasons. Fridays are generally busy but on Saturday I do not have school so I do not have to worry about been too busy unless I am going away for the whole day or an extended period of time. Anyway, I wish to apologise (and since you can not stop me I am going to do it anyway) for the amount of short posts this week. Even though it was the last day of the year for school it was still a very busy one. For instance, on Monday I had school all day, then a pathologist's appointment, helping the PFA prepare for Speech Night and attending CFA so there was only a very short post explaining why there would only be some short posts this week. Tuesday, however, was a different story altogether. I had to leave home at 7am to go the Leadership Forum at MacRob in the morning and then went straight from there to Speech Night rehearsal when I never came home until after Speech Night was ended which was around 10:30pm. Even that I had to stay up a little later to have a shower so I never actually went to bed until 11pm and by this time I was so tired that any post I tried to write would make absolutely no sense. I would have scheduled a post to come out on this day but I only found out the day before (Monday) that I had to go to the Forum at MacRob and the only spare time I had on Monday night I spent preparing for the Forum with the other students from my school who were going. It was a very hectic week.

The busy week continued on Wednesday with my Piano Concert on that night. I was pretty awesome on stage (come on, I can dream can I not?) if I do say so myself and I played Gnossienne No. 3 by Erik Satie which is an awesome song by the way. Wow, I am using awesome too much today. Anyway, no matter how awesome I was it did not change the fact that I was still busy. Plus, at this time I was still freaking out about what the doctor meant when he wanted me to come in right away. The result was a lot of stress and a short-ish post. Thursday was yet another busy night even though it was the last day of school for the year. It was mainly busy because I finally went to see the Doctor (and was pleasantly surprised at the result [Fantastic]) and then on the way home we also did some shopping. As a result, the remainder of the night I spent preparing for Orientation Day the next day. By prepare I mean relax. By relax I mean sleep. Long story short, the day ended with another short post. Oddly enough, it was the longest post I have ever written on my phone which was a big achievement for me. It took me a while but it was worth it. Plus, it probably helped that I was not so tired that I just wanted it finished. Friday finally came around and I was able to relax for once. Orientation Day was over along with my time at school until the start of February. Well this post has changed from random to a week in the life of Luke. That should totally be a new segment! I just need to work out when to put it now though. Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday are taken and Wednesday, Monday and Friday are no good for me. By process of elimination I guess that this new series will most likely be posted on a Thursday. Keep an eye out over the coming weeks for this new segment! You read it here first, on Daily Lukey. Well, this is probably the only place you are going to read it on so anyway, enjoy the new segment. You may also notice a change in length of the posts which I post. This is not because I am getting lazy but because since I returned my School laptop I need to use the home computer. For some reason, the size of the words are different when I type them so it may seem like I am writing more when, in reality, I am writing less. I just want to apologise in advance for this.

Wow, so many new things to look forward to over the coming weeks. See you tomorrow!

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