Thursday 12 December 2013

Weird News Tuesday: Thursday Edition

Why do I even put the names of days at the ends of these segment names? It just means that every time I miss out on it and post it on a later day that it becomes more noticeable that it is out of place. Sometimes I just think I set myself up to fail. Anyway, moving on from whatever that was. Welcome to another Weird News Tuesday post with a little difference. Yes, the difference is that it is on a Thursday. I know, I do love to live on the wild side. Today's stories come from our friends over at the SBS news team. We begin with Britain selling, of all things, pig semen to China. On the outside this does seem like a really weird proposition but trust me, once you know the reasons it actually seems normal. Well, as normal as it can be to export pig semen. It is being sold to China by British farmers to increase China's meat market. In other news, some Spanish Roman Catholics (the nationality is Spanish, the religion is Roman Catholic) are in uproar over some figurines of the holy virgin Mary 'defecating'. Yes, finally a news site that quotes the word 'defecating' and not anything else. World-class reporting there. It actually is if you take away the quotation marks so good on you SBS. So far, they have had the best news site in terms of design, breadth of content and depth of content. Well done to the SBS.

Moving away from the angry Christians, we move onto a man who threw out a hard drive for his computer that contained $7.5 million in bitcoins (an online form of currency). Apparently now, as you would, he is frantically searching for this fortune in some landfill. That was one hell of an expensive mistake. A Slovak pensioner has opened a zoo filled with a different type of animal. This zoo is full of dozens of abandoned stuffed animals. That really is a nice story but still, a little weird. It came about from a reluctance of throwing out his children's teddy bears after they grew into adults and no longer wanted them. It is very touching but not something you would expect to see every day. Who knows, that could be the next big craze. Next we have a wonderful political story that occurred in Danish politics. After a very 'heated' mayoral election one 'far-right' party decided to withdraw their candidacy on the terms that the opposition serve more pork meatballs in public canteens. That is right, the Danish political system: fighting the hard fight and cooking the tough meat. Another reason to set Canada aside from other countries is Vancouver's new ban on doorknobs in public buildings to increase accessibility. I am no expert into how this would work so I am not going to make any rash judgments but I can see how that might not work. Still, like all new ideas there are always bugs and kinks to work out. Great news for all the Australian Star Wars fans (I am not one of them, the Luke jokes sort of put me off the franchise even though I have watched all six movies and will probably watch the seventh or whatever sequence it comes under). Some Australian film makers are working to create a Star Wars fan film set in the Australian Outback. Not sure how well it will be received by the Star Wars fandom but may the force be with it. A man in Singapore who is actually named "Batman bin Suparman" (they have a photo of his ID to prove it) has been jailed in Singapore (on completely unrelated Drug and Theft charges). Apparently this man was a minor internet celebrity due to his name and the weird/funny part about this story is actually just the name. The terms of his imprisonment are pretty normal for what he was caught doing. Ever heard or watched the movie "Snakes on a Plane"? Well, for some unlucky plane passengers the opportunity would have arose to quote "I have had enough of these goddamn snakes on this goddamn plane" after a snake was found by passengers on a plane from London. I would be severely disappointed if there was not one person on this flight who did not make any reference to this movie. I am glad I was not on that plane though because I probably would have freaked right out. Yeah, I am really going to enjoy Kokoda, am I not? No snakes or creepy-crawlies there. Apparently there was already a record for fastest time paddling 100m in a Pumpkin and guess what, a man has since broke this record at a pumpkin festival in Europe. Apparently it is a big thing because the photos show that this man was not alone but was merely the fastest. That is quite the achievement.

As you can see, there is a lot going on in our world that we may never even notice if we never look. See you tomorrow!

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