Sunday 23 February 2014

An Emotional Roller-coaster (Top Moments of the Doctor Part 13)

Welcome back to yet another Doctor Who Sunday post! This segment is all about DOCTOR WHO! We will continue with our search through some of the modern Doctor's greatest moments! Last week there was a lot of emotion and judging by some of the scenes we are going to go through now there is a lot more to come but, hopefully, there will be some laughs mixed in as well. Geronimo!

61. Rory Puts Hitler in the Cupboard in Let's Kill Hitler

Many of us would have asked ourselves what we would do if we found ourselves with Hitler in some strange twist of fate (and time). Thanks to the wonders of Doctor Who, we now know what the Doctor would do to Hitler. Even Rory is a little shocked when he gets to punch Hitler, point a gun at him, tell him to shut up and put him in a cupboard. It is one of those great scenes that makes you love Doctor Who even more. Hold on though, there are a lot of emotions ahead.

62. River Song: "Is he worth it?" in Let's Kill Hitler

I warned you that the emotions were real. This episode, Let's Kill Hitler, comes straight after the episode When a Good Man Goes to War when (SPOILERS) River song was revealed to be (STOP READING IF YOU DO NOT ALREADY KNOW) Amy and Rory's daughter; Melody Pond. In this episode we see Melody Pond before and after the regeneration that turned her into River Song. As she was trained to kill the Doctor, she poisons him with her special lipstick and then, at the end of the episode (this scene), she finds out that she is the River Song that the Doctor and his companions have been going on about and she uses her remaining regeneration power to save him. The episode may sound like a stupid one but it is actually full of so much heart and emotion. I did warn you that the emotions were coming.

63. Amy Hates the Doctor in The Girl Who Waited

This episode sees Amy separated from the Doctor and Rory in the "Two-Streams" facility which was created to save the inhabitants of a diseased planet by keeping everyone in separate time streams where they could only see each other but not meet. Rory has to go with the TARDIS and the Doctor to catch up to Amy's faster time stream but by the time they arrive, thirty years have passed and Amy is sick of waiting for the Doctor. This episode is one that Whovians either love, or they hate. I love it for its heart and the dilemma that Rory faces later when he has to choose between saving the younger version of Amy who has not known the heartbreak of the older version or save the older Amy who has waited over thirty years for the Doctor. We finally see an Amy whose unfaltering loyalty to the Doctor has stopped yet her love for Rory is still strong. Warning: the emotions only get worse from here.

64. Old and Young Amy Reminisce about Rory in The Girl Who Waited

This scene is just as heartbreaking for Amy as it is for Rory who has to choose between saving the young Amy who has just arrived or the older Amy who has waited thirty years. In this scene, the two different ages of Amy talk to each other through the looking glass that allows people to see between time streams in the "two-streams" facility. They talk about Rory and why they love him so much. I do not know how the Whovians who watch this episode not like it. I guess some people are just not built for emotions.

65. "Don't let me in" in The Girl Who Waited

This is one of the most emotional scenes in the whole episode. I wanted to include the video clip to do the scene justice but there was none on YouTube. I did find this fan-trailer for the episode though which shows some of the best bits. Here is the link: and the scene at the end with the hand up against the TARDIS window is what I wanted to tell you about. That hand belongs to the older version of Amy who the Doctor had quickly shut the door on when the younger Amy finally made it through. He also locked the door and left Rory in charge of it so that she could not get in. In this scene, the older Amy knows that she cannot enter the TARDIS with the younger Amy as the resulting paradox would be too big for the TARDIS to maintain but she still also wants to come in. So she tells Rory to not let her in. Even though she wants to so badly she tells Rory not to let her in. This would have been so hard for Rory to do as he even became angry at the Doctor for making him choose between a scarred Amy or a fresher Amy.

I warned you that this post would be an emotional roller-coaster. See you tomorrow!

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