Tuesday 24 September 2013

Don't Judge Too Quickly

You know I am serious when I use a conjunction in the title of a post. Seriously though (see what I did there), we live in an age where word of mouth is major and preconceived notions play an important role. Granted, the spread is more in terms of Social Media these days but it still carries the same principles. We see examples of this everyday and we are all guilty of it (and I mean all) and at one point or another we look back and see the truth. Sometimes we have to take this step back so we can tell ourselves to not judge too quickly.

Miley Cyrus is our current-day example of a person judged too quickly by people. Her new song, Wrecking Ball, is judged by millions of people have not even listened to it (let alone watched the music video). Just because of her previous song We Can't Stop and her infamous performance on the Video Music Awards (VMA) all people see is the few seconds of nudity in the song and that is all they focus on. I have watched YouTube videos of people who have said before watching the video that it is crap and they come out of it completely different. The problem is that this nudity is more artistic in showing the raw emotion of what the song is trying to put across instead of those other acts in We Can't Stop which were just stupid. It is a perfect example of people judging other things without having experienced it themselves. It is so infuriating when people judge things I, or others, watch/listen/read when they themselves have not experienced. It just really pisses me off when people give me crap for watching a show they think is crap when they have not watched it. Sometimes to avoid a pointless argument which will make me want to swear them out of existence I just pretend I do not like it. Guys, seriously, just stop. Next time you might do it to someone with a shorter fuse (and mine is pretty short) and you might not be so lucky. It just makes me want to scream sometimes and between these sentences I have actually had to stop myself from swearing in this post and only allowed myself the one minor slip above which I will not repeat. Just stop guys because it makes us all look like jerks and I know it is not that easy but next time do not judge before you experience okay?

It really does annoy me tremendously when people give me crap for watching or liking something they do not like when they have not watched or experienced it. See you tomorrow!

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