Monday 16 September 2013

The Curse Has Lifted

So as some of you may know one of my electives at school is Game Design. Sure, it sounds all fun and exciting but basically there are just modules (basically just a textbook with each chapter as a module) that you have to complete that includes games and stuff to code that it walks you through. In this sense it is good as you learn how to code for games so you can eventually make your own. It is also good because next term (we already have started our proposals) we spend the whole time just creating our own games to put into practice what we learnt. It is going to be fun and I am making a puzzle game just so you know. I guess, since I completed all the modules and game proposals today it is also a time for me to relax and finish other homework. Seriously though, if you are looking for a class where you can get away with minimal work then Game Design is for you.

However, for me this subject is cursed. It is not cursed in the sense that I suck at it (which I do not by the way) or it is really hard. It is cursed because every time I have Game Design I get a runny nose during that class and at no other time during the day. The thing is, it is not the classroom as I have other classes in there and this does not happen. It really is a curse. Also, because it is so quiet as everyone is working (or watching YouTube videos) you can not blow your nose because it will just draw attention to you. It is sort of like during Assembly or Mass when there is a minutes silence and during that one minute you have never wanted to sneeze more in your entire life. It really is horrible. If you read the title of this post though (as so many do) you will know that the curse has lifted. This is so true because today was the first time in a long time that it did not happen. I even had tissues ready. It was probably me jinxing myself because the other times I was not prepared for it but as soon as I started cluing in to what was going on it changed on me. Story of my life. Wow, I never thought I could get through a whole post just talking about this (Gas Bag level "Luke" reached) but apparently I just did. Always nice to show myself up.

Seriously though, Game Design is cursed (do not do it, or do it. It is your choice to make), see you tomorrow.

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