Saturday 28 September 2013

My News Feed

So I have said many times about how Facebook can cause me to lose some faith in the future of humanity, especially when it comes to scrolling through my news feed. I was on it just before and realised that it is not always like this and so I decided that for today's post I would go through my news feed as of 9:08 pm and talk about what I find. Of course, I am not going through everything on my news feed (are you crazy?) but I am going through it all until I find it enough. So sit back (or whatever works for you) and do not fall asleep.

Let's start right from the top with a person posting about how people should realise how funny she is. This is followed by those annoying advertisements saying "(Insert Name) and (insert number) other friends like (insert page)". Next it comes to one of my friends commenting on another friend's picture of the Google game thing they had on yesterday. I never actually played it but it looks pretty fun. No idea what it is though. I think they were celebrating some milestone for something but, anyway, moving on. Then we have another friend commenting on a friend's post on the original person's wall about some Anime ending today (my friends would know exactly who I am talking about by now). Then there is a picture from Minute to Win It's Facebook page which I am seriously regretting liking. Yep, I just unliked it. Next is a post from a Pop news site about Rihanna revealing too much about her sex life. This is followed by a hilarious vine as promoted by the Facebook page Best Vines. Then we have someone changing his profile picture for about the umpteenth time this week (seriously) and it looks just like the one he had a few weeks ago. I know, I can not believe I remember either. Then there are a few posts about Hawthorne winning the AFL Grand Final today (congratulations guys) which is followed by a picture which seems to be from some Anime which one of my friends posted today (not the one I mentioned before). Then comes a post about his lack of motivation (this is another person from the anime picture) followed by a picture about how people see school by popular Facebook Page and Application; Report Card. Now there is another Pop News (same Pop News Page [PopCrush]) about Justin Bieber's new tattoo which they have a picture of apparently. Then we come back to another post about the Google game yesterday. This brings us to a post by Big Brother Australia about a meetup at Dreamworld to meet the latest evictee. Then there are some pictures from a girl who went to some kind of concert for someone called Eason Chan. Followed by a post about the upcoming season of Walking Dead and a photo from a different friend who must have gone out and about. Finally we see a post by a Doctor Who Fan page (this one called The Doctor Who Hub) which is followed by another post about the Hawks winning the AFL Grand Final today. Finally on my news feed we have a post by King Kong Live on Stage about the winner of the Grand Final which they apparently supported. There was a cool photo in the Herald Sun with Kong wearing a giant (obviously) hawks shirt with two players doing a "specky" in front of him.

That is all I have time for today, see you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Y U NO BLOG ABOUT MY FACEBOOK POSTS? (imagine my sad face here)...
