Sunday 8 September 2013


We often take nature for granted. Actually, we almost always take it for granted. It is not until it is gone that we realise what we once had. Nature is such a wonder and it comes in many shapes and forms. For one we have our natural environment which is always around us. All the trees, animals, birds (why I added that after animals I will never know) and plants that make up our natural world are often taken for granted until they are all gone. As the popular adage goes; you do not know what you have got until it is gone. Without even one of these parts of nature our world would be completely different and unrecognisable. If one of these were to simply cease existing of whatever reason then a majority of the world would die.Without trees and plants there would be no photosynthesis and therefore no fresh oxygen which billions of living creatures require for life. Without birds and animals whole portions of the food-chain would fall apart which would affect nearly all living creatures on Earth.

Nature is also a very resilient thing. After all the destruction we put it through on a daily basis it still manages to thrive and adapt. How many plants have you seen grow around pillars? How many times have you seen weeds growing through cracks in the pavement? This is nature adapting even though we have been struggling with this for years. Of course, we are quite adaptive at times but nature is even more so. Just look at the picture above. We created a boardwalk through this nature which would have involved a lot of destruction. However, nature regrew and became what we can now see. It truly is beautiful. After the Black Saturday fires of 2009 nature was devastated and scorched. However, if you return to the places worst effected today you would find new life and a nature completely different to what it once was but in a beautiful way. In this way (and in fact most ways) nature is a very resilient thing. We destroy and destroy without even thinking of the consequences and whose homes we are destroying to create our own. Sometimes it takes a beautiful day like today to remind us of how lucky we are to have nature all around us. It would be very hard to live in a world without it and I for one am glad that I do not.

Nature is something we should nurture and not just toss aside like most of our lives, see you tomorrow.

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