Wednesday 2 October 2013

Disappointing Sequels

You know how people say too much of a good thing is a bad thing? Well, this is proven exceptionally well in several of the movies coming out of Hollywood. Sometimes movie makers strike gold with their creations and other times they are just misses. Movie making is really a gamble in many ways and whether a movie will be a success or not is hard to tell with even the most anticipated movies being disappointments. However, when these hits are made producers want to make as much money as they possibly can before the buzz dies down and it becomes a classic sitting in the corner gathering dust.

What is one of the most lucrative ways of milking a movie franchise for all it is worth? Sequels of course. These sequels can often turn a good series bad and leave a bad lasting memory. There are many instances of this occurring throughout history (yes, I am getting deep here. Prepare your mind) where a movie's sequel has ruined the franchise entirely. Today I went to see Grown Ups 2 and was very disappointed. The first movie was great and so I went to this one with the same expectations. Sure, there were funny moments but that was all and it seemed like they just wanted to put in random gags and it was cohesive. It just came together messily and I really wanted my time back. Other disappointments include Spider Man 3 which is widely considered as a disappointing ending to the trilogy. The latest installment of the Die Hard franchise was also a kick-in-the-face to Die Hard fans across the world. It just goes to show that some good things just need to be laid to rest after they have had their time.

Don't let too much of a good thing ruin your good thing, see you tomorrow!

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