Saturday 5 October 2013

Lost Ideas

Do you ever think of something really good and then instantly forget it? Have you ever wanted to tell your friend something but when it comes to speaking you have nothing to say? I swear this happens to me a bit more than usual though I know it happens to nearly all of us (damn you photographic memory people). Even in the past few days it has happened to me too much for me to just ignore it. Seriously, I have literally walked into rooms then left almost instantly without getting what I wanted to. It is sort of like I am possessed with my own absent-mindedness. I never realised how many 'S's there were in possessed. I guess it possesses a lot of 'S's.

 Even last night as I was writing the first ever Random Thought Friday (#RTF) post I had these great ideas and just before I began the sentence I would lose it. It was incredibly frustrating. This is not the first time though with this blog. I will often begin writing topics (oh, the topics you do not see) and then halfway through forget what I was going to write so I have to come up with something different on the spot. When you are in a rush this is incredibly annoying and I would wish upon every star that it does not happen. But I will not because by the time I get through the first two I will have forgotten either what I was wishing for or the stars I had already wished to or both. Most likely both. Even when I was planning what days would be themed what (they are coming, rolling out slowly but they are coming) it would slip my mind. That is why it will not all happen all of a sudden but I will slowly introduce them to the mix. The reason is that I need time to remember what I was thinking of doing. It just also works out well that you guys are not suddenly inundated with a new schedule for different types of posts. As I said yesterday there will still be days with no theme so anything is on the table so do not expect to be any more bored. I am calling it, something supernatural is going on. I better stop now before they get on to me (do not worry, I am not that paranoid).

I seriously can not remember how I was going to end this, see you tomorrow!

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