Sunday 6 October 2013

Gravity Review

My Rating: 9/10


Synopsis (Click here for Source):
Gravity, directed by Oscar nominee Alfonso Cuaron, stars Oscar winners Sandra Bullock and George Clooney in a heart-pounding thriller that pulls you into the infinite and unforgiving realm of deep space. Bullock plays Dr Ryan Stone, a brilliant medical engineer on her first shuttle mission, with veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky (Clooney). But on a seemingly routine spacewalk, disaster strikes. The shuttle is destroyed, leaving stone and Kowalsky completely alone.

My Review:
Wow, just wow. Gravity is a visually stunning and incredibly realistic masterpiece by director Alfonso Cuaron. It leaves you hooked from beginning to end with little rest in between. You will have your heart in your throat for the majority of the film and what happens in the movie will leave you breathless. Even the camera work adds another layer of depth to the film as you sometimes have a third person perspective and then you come twisting around to one of the characters' perspectives and are given a whole new level of immersion. I saw it in 2D and this had no impact on how I experienced the film. The acting is another thing, it would be really interesting to see how they actually filmed it. The back stories of the characters add yet another layer to a film and these are subtly dropped in every now and then to break up certain parts of the movie. The starting lines (shown in the trailer as well as the beginning of the movie) where it says "Life in Space is Impossible" is something you are constantly reminded of and thinking about throughout the course of the film.

Gravity really is a must-see thriller that will have you hooked from the silence at the beginning to the credits at the end. See you tomorrow!

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