Tuesday 1 October 2013


We live in a world where problems are everywhere. Such a change would require an equivalent adjustment but in our case society has just moved on and let these problems fester so that we become a generation of complainers. We have so many problems that we even have categories for them. Oh, there are so many categories. You have the ordinary relationship problems (self-explanatory) and health problems but then you have the more interesting ones which I will go into more depth later. We have had to create new categories that, just years before, could never have existed. In this way we are our own worst enemies and should tackle our problems head on instead of letting them get to us enough that we feel the need to categorise them.

We have people problems which come from our unstoppable need to be better than others. We have relationship problems, more commonly referred to as Taylor Swift Problems, which come in the form of boyfriends/girlfriends breaking up and, in the case of Taylor Swift, write endless songs about it. You see, we do not hold grudges. Then we come to the places where these problems are played out, our social media sites. We have Facebook problems with so much to do yet nothing that will not destroy a few brain cells. We have Twitter problems for those who read through every tweet in their feed. We have Instagram problems for people with too much photos and not enough followers. Do not even get me started on YouTube problems because that is a whole other post. Actually, come to think of it, it probably will be a whole other post (be looking out for that sometime in the distant future). Then there are all the other sites on the dark side of the internet. Yes, I am referring to CoolVid and LinkedIn, do not think I would not go there because I just did. Nothing is off limits in this post (well, many things are but). Then you have school problems for people who do not pay attention and wonder why their marks never improve. This is generally accompanied by parent problems when they find out what is going on. So, as you can see, our modern society has created so many new and 'interesting' (think of a horrible antonym) problems that we have felt the need to categorise them.

It is only through problems that we will grow but at this point, I think we are pretty much on a plateau. See you tomorrow!

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