Monday 21 October 2013

Daily Lukey: The Journey to 200 (Part 6)

So we have finally reached the end of this series which has been stretched out for longer than previously intended. We began September with a continuation of the Political Parties series followed by another late night post that was, and I quote, "Super Short and Super Sweet". The next day was the final post on the political parties of Australia which was followed by a post on getting distracted which, ironically, was distracting me from my homework. I then wrote another late night post with my reflection on our schools House Chorales competition. I then reminisced about what things used to be like before writing a list of characters who deserved their own show. Oh, the posts you can get away with when it is your own blog. I then wrote a post on Nature for some unknown reason before writing about how much of a sticky beak my family really is. I then wrote another post on fundraising before lamenting on how hard it is to effectively exercise with Sandy. I then complained about a disease I coined the "Song in Head" Disease. I then wrote a post on being gullible before reflecting on my Year 10 Formal. I then reflected on the Donations in Kind activity the Wyndham "Leaders of The Future" did with the Werribee Rotary. I then rejoiced as a fabled curse had been lifted which regarded Game Design and a runny noise.

I then went through some of my favourite songs in my playlist before discussing some awkward moments I often experience with others. I then went through my most popular tags (in terms of posts) before celebrating the start of the Holidays. The next day was a little more negative as I lamented that I was sick which was followed by another short post on weird advertisements. I then offered an explanation as to my recent spate of short posts before writing a post on judging things before you experience them. I then made the mistake of writing a post telling people to stop making so many Puns. I say mistake as for the rest of the holidays I was treated to a daily pun texted to me each day by one of my 'friends'. I then analysed the different types of tourists in Melbourne before realising my reliance on technology. I then went through the posts that appeared in my Facebook News Feed before marveling at some great discoveries. I finished the month of September with another short post written on my phone late at night. October began with a post on problems and the sheer amount of problems that we have. I then complained about disappointing sequels after watching Grown Ups 2 before displaying some random facts about me. I then started my new weekly segment titled "Random Thought Friday". Although that is so far the only post in this series because of my 200 posts celebration that I had. Be ready for another Random Thought Friday this Friday though. I then explained how I would always lose good ideas immediately after having them before giving my review of the movie Gravity. I then wrote a post on my first day back at school and how I wished every day were as relaxing as that one before writing a post on first impressions. From here I wrote a post on new addictions and their sources. I then complained about some annoying junk emails before reaching (and celebrating) my 200th Post. That was my journey to 200 posts!

Thank you all so much for your support. See you tomorrow!

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