Wednesday 16 October 2013

Decisions, Decisions

You know how annoying it can be to make major decisions in a rush? Decisions like where to go, who to see and where to see Catching Fire are just impossible to make on limited time. The worst part is you can not stay silent and think about it first because then people just stare at each other in an awkward silence. Then this awkwardness just grows to an extent that by the time you have a decision it is too awkward to say anything and so the rest of the time is spent in silence. To avoid this you have to use filler words like "um", "er" or "uh" and after a while of doing this you just seem like a brain-dead idiot. It is just so hard to make decisions on the spot guys, do not put me under such pressure!

So think before you ask me these major decisions. How am I supposed to remember what my favourite movie is so that I can answer immediately after you ask? It just makes me look like an idiot when I go "Hunger Games... no! Catching Fire.... no! Hunger Games" and it gets worse once people realise that Catching Fire has not being released yet and they realise I am presuming this. When you ask me where I want to go do not expect a straight answer. Of the trillions of locations within our world how am I supposed to know where I want to go at that exact moment. Unless I need to go to the toilet really badly I will have no idea. Even then, when someone asks where you want to go "Toilet" is in no way a valid answer. It just leads to an awkward silence and a hasty change of subject. How should I know what I want from the store? I have literally milliseconds to come up with something and then I say something stupid that I will never need like tampons or a life. I mean, come on guys. If you ask me hastily you are going to get a hasty response. Now questions like what do you want to be when you are older, what are you going to study in VCE, do you want to be resuscitated should the need arise are ones that do not require as much thought. Just remember that where I want to watch Catching Fire is going to be a major decision and turning point in my life so do not expect me to answer you immediately, I need time.

So next time you ask any of these important questions, do not expect a responsible answer. See you tomorrow!

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