Friday 7 June 2013


YouTube, the video sharing site, has become a normal part of my day-to-day life. It's become as normal to go on YouTube a few times a day as it is to writing this Blog (Hooray for the 73rd post by the way). YouTube has over 4 million channels, with other 72 hours of video being uploaded every minute! It's no wonder it has become a part of my everyday life. Sometimes I think I go on YouTube a little too much but then I think I'm crazy because you can never have too much of something, right? Right?!

YouTube has become a place of many vibrant communities. You have the Beauty Gurus who somehow come up with some amazing video ideas each week. Then there are the Comedians (I mean, who can't laugh at at least one of Barely Political's videos) who make us laugh every week through song, movie or just pure spontaneity. The Vloggers are also a growing community to be reckoned with. There are so many Vloggers (Video Bloggers) on YouTube today and I must say that it is fascinating to watch someone go about their everyday lives. I wish life was like this (and in 3D [just kidding]). Also the Gamers always manage to find an ordinary game and turn it into the funniest ten minutes of your day. I have seen a YouTuber turn Sims and Minecraft into something absolutely hilarious, it really is amazing. Then there are also the smaller, but not to be underestimated, communities of Short Film, News, Gossip and much more which just add yet another few layers onto an already vibrant community. It is no wonder YouTube has become such a big part of my life because it has so many new videos and topics everyday, it is very hard to get bored.

May the odds be ever in your favour, see you tomorrow!

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