Monday 3 June 2013

25 Random Questions Tag

So today I found these 25 random questions which is a tag or something. I found these questions here and so in today's post I am going to answer them. If you want to ask me a question then click on the link to the right that says Ask me Questions and it will link you to my account where you can anonymously ask me questions (you do not need an account). These questions will only show up if I reply to them and I promise to reply to all the appropriate questions. Enjoy and do not be afraid to ask!

1) Do you have any pets?
Yes I have a dog, called Sandy, and two chickens which we keep in a chicken enclosure in the backyard. I don't actually think they have names except one which I think is called Daisy which we got off some friends of my mother.

2) Name three things that are physically close to you.
Let's have a look. There's my laptop, my Samsung Galaxy Ace Phone [just wanted to be exact] and a pillow. I am comfy so don't judge about the pillow!

3) What's the weather like right now?
Well, as it's Winter in Australia at the moment it is actually pretty cold for once. Although, knowing Melbourne's weather it will probably be something entirely different by the time I go to bed. Thank the lord we have a fire place to warm us up.

4) Do you drive? If so, have you crashed?
Well I only got my Learners Permit on May 10 (I aced the test by the way [100%]) and so have only just begun to learn how to drive. I have not had any accidents whatsoever so fingers crossed I do not have one any time soon.

5) What time did you wake up this morning?
I woke up at 7 am and practiced my Piano for thirty minutes before getting ready for school. When I say 7 am I actually mean 7:10 am by the time I actually get out of bed.

6) When was the last time you showered?
Weird question but just over an hour ago actually. Moving on...

7) What was the last movie that I saw?
Great, now I have to use my horrible memory. Let's think... the last one I can remember seeing was Iron Man 3 with my friends for my Birthday but I have probably watched a movie since then. Nope, can't think of anything. See how bad my memory is.

8) What does your last message say?
My last text message reads "I told u last night!!!!!" which was me getting angry at my Dad because he forgot what time I finished after String Ensemble tonight after school. Yeah, that really shows my social life. My last message is to my father, great.

9) What is your ringtone?
I am actually not sure, wait a second and I'll call myself. Yeah, this is going to sound bad. It is actually Lady Gaga's Edge of Glory. It is not as bad as some people. A friend in my class has My Heart Will Go On as his ring tone and someone rang him during class and it really was a funny time. Wow, we have some good times in our class.

10) Have you ever been to a different country?
I have only ever left the country once and that was to go to America at the end of 2009 and the start of 2010. It was really cool and we went to Anaheim, California and Orlando, Florida. It was a really great experience (except for the plane rides, 17 hours one way is too much [thank the lord I was not going to Europe (24 damn hours on a plane)]).

11) Do you like Sushi?
Short question calls for a short answer. No.

12) Where do you buy your groceries?
Depends on where the specials are. Sometimes we get things at Woolworths, Coles, Aldi, IGA or even NQR. It all depends on what we need and if there are any specials. These questions are starting to sound very stalker-y (yeah, I made up a word).

13) Have you ever taken medication to help you sleep faster?
Yeah, I am always popping them pills to help me sleep. No, I do not actually. Although I wish I did because then I would not have to try to fall asleep through all the noise my brothers make.

14) How many siblings do you have?
I have two older brothers, Matthew and Joshua. Matthew is 22 and Joshua is turning 18 in November.

15) Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
We have two desktop computers and I have a school laptop which I use. I am probably going to ask for a laptop this Christmas as I can only use the school laptop throughout the school year and have to give it back at the end of each year. This means no laptop over the Summer holidays (cue rain and On my Own music).

16) How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
Next May I will be turning 17, wow, that sounds weird.

17) Do you wear contacts or glasses?
I wear glasses because we cannot all have perfect vision. I wish I did have perfect vision though. I do not think I will ever use contacts because I just can not bear to put any fingers near my eyes. It just really freaks me out because I think I am going to poke it. Glasses for the win!

18) Do you colour your hair?
No, I do not colour my hair. That was a very interesting answer.

19) Tell me something you are planning to do today?
Okay, now this just sounds like a stalker. But I guess since it's a question. Well, it is already 7:30 pm and so there is not a lot of time left before I go to bed but my plans for the rest of the night are: finish this post, study for Maths Methods and watch tonight's episode of Revenge.

20) When was the last time you cried?
Just two seconds ago when I read some of these answers. I should re-title this post the tragic life of a Lukey. Seriously though, I do not remember the last time I cried, probably when I watched the Catching Fire teaser trailer when it came out. I mean, President Snow just wanted to be like, why can't anyone see that? Why?

21) What is your perfect pizza topping?
This is going to sound bland but I prefer just pineapple, ham and cheese on my pizza. Hawaiian all the way!

22) Which do you prefer, hamburger or cheeseburger?
I am not actually sure but I think it would probably be the cheeseburger because I like cheese. Just saying, I like cheese and would probably therefore prefer a cheeseburger over a hamburger.

23) Have you ever had an all-nighter?
I have had one all-nighter in my 16 years of life and that was when I stayed over at a friend's house when I was 12. So you see I live the life, going to bed at a reasonable hour, totally rebel.

24) What is your eye colour?
I think my eye colour is hazel, emphasis on I think.

25) Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
I do not actually drink any of those full-sugar soft drinks but I have heard that Pepsi is supposed to be sweeter. I do know that Pepsi Max is a whole lot stronger than Diet Coke and Coke Zero. But Pepsi Max is actually a pretty strong drink.

Well, that is all for today and if you read through all the way to here then good for you. If you want to answer some of these questions in the comments or on your own blog or Facebook or whatever then feel free to do so. Just to reiterate you can ask me anonymous questions via the link on the right that says Ask me Questions. I will read them and reply to all the appropriate ones. Do not be afraid to ask!

May the odds be ever in your favour,see you tomorrow!

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