Friday 22 November 2013

Weird Inventions

Today I had no school due to correction day for teachers to mark exams and for students to complete make-up exams if they missed some for whatever reason. Anyway, so today I went to see Catching Fire (which is an awesome movie by the way) and at the end I had to go to the toilet, as you do. As I was relieving myself I got to thinking how weird inventions came about such as the "pee wall" (I could not find anywhere what the actual name was). Again, this is something you normally do as you pee. Anyway, so today I thought I would go through some of the inventions that would have seemed weird at the time they were conceived. Let us begin with the "pee wall". How did that even come about? Did someone want to make peeing on walls socially acceptable. Before this invention if you saw someone peeing on the wall you would call the police. Now, if you see someone pee on these "pee walls" you could congratulate them for not urinating in a public place. Seriously though, does anyone else think the conception of this idea is just a little weird?

Next we have the odd yet incredibly popular "snuggie". Basically, it is a blanket that you can wear as clothes. Some people even wear it out (though why they would do that I do not know). It is great in that you have complete protection and do not have "cold spots" which the blanket did not cover. Like the pee wall, did someone think that they wanted to make it socially acceptable to wear a blanket in public? Well they definitely succeeded and have since made millions out of it. Such a weird invention but now the majority of people know what you are talking about when you say "snuggie". Now, what about those "Magic" 8 Balls that people set so much store in. We all know that it is merely chance and there are no supernatural powers working on that 8 ball. Still though, people set so much store in that toy. It just shows how much people do not want to have to make their own decisions. "Should I wear clothes today." "My sources say no." "Am I going to be forever alone?" "You may rely on it." "Will I ever feel better?" "Better not tell you now." Seriously though, all those replies are actually what magic 8 balls say (I Googled it and everybody knows Wikipedia does not lie). Who else hates those incredibly annoying singing fish? Who came up with that? Did someone want to feel like they could actually fish and so they made a fake plaque with a fake fish on it? Then, just for the hell of it, they added the power of speech and (most regretfully) of song. God, I see now what you mean by hell. You hath converted me. Now, for the final and creepiest invention of all I pass over to the furry "Furby". Did some lonely man or woman come up with that and realise that "Hey, there must be other lonely people like me out there somewhere. Let's sell these incredibly creepy dolls that speak their own language to other people like me. #Genius." Yes, I put a hashtag in a bit of dialogue. Do not judge me (I see you judging me).

Now do you see how weird some inventions actually are? See you tomorrow!

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