Wednesday 13 November 2013

Busy Study Day

So sorry guys but tonight I was caught up studying and so this is another picture-less late-night post written on my phone. I hate when this happens but it will probably begin to happen a lot more until next Thursday. This is, as some of you will know, because of my school exams. I have VCE Maths Methods on Monday which is going to make me study really hard until the day and then my other subjects on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I want to apologise in advance for more posts like these due to my study habits. In the coming days I am going to write a few more posts about studying and how to do it effectively so stay tuned for those because I know how popular they were last Semester. They will include some new things as well as some rehashing of the old yet great stuff.

So stay tuned because exam week is coming up both on this blog and in my life. See you tomorrow!

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