Thursday 14 November 2013

Another Busy Study Day

So again, I am sorry for writing another one of these late posts but when you have to study you have to study. Before I continue on this post, I just want to say that I do see Study as important and that no study is a very bad thing. Especially around exam time, study is important. However, it is important not to wake up, go to school, come home and then study all night. Somewhere in that schedule there needs to be a break for relaxation. For me, I try not to start studying straight away unless I have something after school like CFA or my Leaders of the Future Program. This way I am still getting a break from study. This generally means that I relax or do some training for Kokoda after school. This break is very important. Then I do study or homework. Of course, you should be taking regular breaks while studying as always but at the end before you go to bed give yourself at least thirty minutes of relaxation. This will make you a healthier person overall both physically and mentally.

It is getting late though and I need my break, see you tomorrow!

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