Tuesday 19 November 2013

Weird News Tuesday: The Weird and the Weirder

It is that time of the week again guys! This week, finding a source was hard. In the end I had to Google News Sites just to find one that had some weird news in it. Anyway, this week we are looking at the Yahoo Australia News site (au.news.yahoo.com). We begin with a story on how Australian Olympians are "not allowed to stagger". The Australian Olympics Committee says that Australian Olympians can get drunk but they draw the line at staggering and slurred speech. I get where they are coming from but that headline really caught my attention. Next we have the Toronto Mayor in trouble again after rushing off stage in a debate to hit another senator. Just when you think he could not get any lower. Seriously though, it has been on every news site I looked at today (it took me a while to find one that had some weird stories). Mayor Rob Ford has finally been stripped of all powers after a council vote. It took them a lot longer than it should have, just saying. The next two stories are not weird but the category they were filed under is. The first is a story about the release of endangered orange-bellied parrots that boosts numbers and the next is of animals dying in a zoo in Indonesia because of over-crowding. Neither of those stories are weird. The weird part is that it was filed under technology. I mean, really? I must have skipped the section about the robot birds and mechanical animals. I know I should have paid more attention in Biology.

So apparently this is the first ever selfie. It was posted in an ABC Online Forum in September of 2002 so hooray for Australian trend-setting! However, I doubt that this is actually the first ever selfie because the poster used "selfie" in her description of the picture. But, seeing as "selfie" is Oxford's Word of the Year (yeah, they chose "selfie" since its usage has risen dramatically over the past year) I am just going to get a little Australian pride going on! The story was obviously copied from the ABC News Site because it contained everything the same as the ABC one except the picture which it said was there in the headline. I think someone let it go there. The next story is a very touching one as it tells the story of a young boy with cancer and thousands of San Francisco people (San Franciscans?) who turned out to help make this "Bat Kid" into a super hero. Even US President Barack Obama got in on that act sending a photo to the boy with the caption "way to go!" It is a little weird, but also very heart warming to know that there are still thousands of good people out there, somewhere. The next story is of University of Adelaide medical students admitting to cheating on an exam. Can someone please explain to me why I have seen this on five different news sites today? How is that news? Since when was cheating big news? Should I just start making some big deal about every silly thing that I do now? Apparently, that is news. Finally, apparently the presenters on Today! (morning show on Channel 9) had Mamograms on air to test for breast cancer. Apparently that is a thing now.

Things just keep getting weirder!

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