Tuesday 12 November 2013

Weird News Tuesday: It Keeps Getting Weirder

Welcome to the second segment of this themed post series. This time around I am going to be using a different news site. This time I am using The Huffington Post. Last week it was too easy as I was still on the homepage by the time I finished this post. Let us see if it is a little harder this time, I really hope so. We start pretty quickly with a story that is not that far down the page. It is from a comedian (some hope there) and is an interview he did to explain why he cried the first time he did Heroin. It seems like a weird story to find so easily but according to The Huffington Post, it is news. The next story is of a white supremacist whose DNA results show that he is 14% black. Apparently they can still say that in America. Under each story on the Huffington Post website there is a link that says "More..." followed by the category of the preceding post. For this one it reads, "More Black Voices". That just does not seem right. Now for the story accompanied by a weird picture. The story is an alright one and is about how investigators now use a "Nasal Ranger" smelloscope to find people smoking pot. It seems like a weird enough headline but the picture just makes the story a little ridiculous. Just look at that picture below. It looks like a radar gun for your nose. I can see the caption now "See how fast your boogers move! How runny is your nose?" Oh Huffington Post, you have done it again.

Scroll down a little further and you have an aptly named story on the "Penis Church" which is basically a church with quite the interesting aerial view. An architect claims that it does not look much like a penis but judging from the picture that architect must be a lonely female or a stupid male. It totally looks like a penis, just saying. Here is the picture (click anywhere on this sentence) and you tell us if it looks like a penis to you. Guys, brace yourselves. There is a new issue that has hit America and no, it is not the Government this time. After a fire at a factory there is a nationwide shortage of Knish. Apparently this is some kind of Jewish food that they eat during Hanukkah but guys, this is serious. The red cross should seriously go over there and the Government need to order a state of national emergency. Christians have also reached an all-time low as they air-drop Bibles into North Korea. They are literally tying parachutes to individual bibles and dropping them down over North Korea. I thought their main argument against communities like the LGBQTI community was that they "rub it in everyone's faces". Excuse me but does air-dropping bibles not seem like rubbing it in people's faces? Just saying, it is even less subtle than Mum saying she is thirsty and waving her tea cup in my face. Next in the news is a story about a new bill in California that would mean that Porn Stars would have to wear goggles while 'working'. For safety of course but still, who would watch that. Of all the things the Government could be doing they focus on the sexual health of porn actors who probably have more experience than most politicians (again, just saying). I do suppose though that they do have some similarities, most of the time both of their work blows up in their faces. Apparently someone has found out what the Sasquatch's (otherwise known as "Big Foot") favourite food is. This is important news guys, get ready to take some notes after reading this important news feature. Finally, in an epic display of brains a man blew up his house after watching a TV show on the Hindenburg disaster.

There are some really weird stories out there, see you tomorrow!

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