Wednesday 6 November 2013

The Worst Part of Summer

You may have realised, if you checked last night, that there was no post visible. This was, for some unknown reason, true. However, there was a post published last night it is just that, for some reason, it did not show up on my actual blog. According to my Blogger dashboard it was posted but according to my blog it was not. I am very sorry for this and will try to ensure it does not happen again although this may be difficult since I have no idea what caused this glitch in the first place. I am also glad that I only wrote a short introduction to this post so this paragraph does not seem so long. Anyway, onto the post. Well, Summer is coming around again this year just as it does every other year. With Summer comes many things including heat, humidity and Sun. However, with the season of Summer also comes another annoying phenomenon that can make you look like a wannabe interpretive dancer. I am, of course, talking about the worst part of Summer: the flies.

Flies are just so incredibly annoying and they never seem to get the damn hint that you do not want them. Every year they come back and every year will kill a few hundred before a few thousand are born to take their place. They are just so annoying and can ruin any good day. As you may have realised, I HATE flies. Yes, I intentionally capitalised hate because I wanted to empthasise how much they annoy me. Even as I write this post a pesky fly has somehow being let in by my absent-minded brother and is flying around me right now. Some days I wake up and just want to go outside armed with a belt full of fly spray and then a backpack for back up. Flies are just so damn irritating. Why can they not be like birds or some of the other insects who live their lives separately to ours? Can we not just have a few years of peace? My message to you flies is to leave us alone, or face the consequences. I hear Mortein is on special next week.

Damn you flies! See you tomorrow!

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