Saturday 13 July 2013

A Productive Day

Don't you just love it when you can say that you had a productive day? Well it is for me anyway. I may have woken up at mid-day but I still managed to get a lot done during the remainder of the day. Do not judge me for waking up so late; you would too if your brother kept you up until 3am because he left for a fire-call and left his television on. That's the beauty of a productive day, you can still have one even if you wake up late. Some people complain they never have productive days but unless you set yourself something to complete you will never have one. If you do not keep setting yourself little milestones to reach a larger one then you are not going to have a productive day as you will keep stopping and telling yourself the task is too big. Productive days really lift your spirits and even though it was a miserable and rainy day I still enjoyed myself.

How was my day productive? Well I started it at 11:54 am (so not quite mid-day so technically it was still morning) with an Up & Go (no, they are not sponsoring me) so I had the energy to get up and go (sorry, it just fit the bill). From there I went outside to see Sandy, my brother (who had being camping the past few days) and my father in the Garage putting together some shelving because our Garage was a mess and needed to be organised. After they put one together Dad and I went to Bunnings to buy the rest and then we set that up (with my brother) and finished at around 8:30 pm. During this time I also managed to go on Facebook, help people with their Maths Assignment and also play some games. Sandy also had a very productive day such that he never actually fell asleep until we finished and so when he came inside he was so tired that he was falling asleep before we actually put him to bed. By the way, Sandy is our dog if that is not very clear at the moment. So now the Garage is looking much more organised, Sandy is snoring beside me and we are watching Lethal Weapon on television. When I say watching I just mean that the television is on and that is on except I am on my laptop, Dad is on his iPad and Mum is reading so we just look up every now and again. Productive days are great and I hope I get more of them as Term 3 begins.

A day spent well is time not wasted, see you tomorrow!

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