Thursday 11 July 2013


Can I just comment on how much Twitter has progressed over the years? Well, obviously since this is my blog I can write what I want within the bounds of common decency so ignore that question and this sentence. What I am trying to say is that Twitter is quickly becoming the new Facebook in terms of silly status updates, or 'tweets' as the twitter people say. No longer are people going to Facebook to write short, meaningless posts about nothing. Now they all flock to Twitter where they can hash-tag (#) and @ people as much as they want. Obviously even Facebook have noticed as they have added the new hash-tag feature. Basically, for all of you who do not know, Facebook updated with a new feature of using hash-tags like they do on Twitter. So you can see I am not just making up random opinions and events like yesterday.

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I mean I go on Twitter every so often on the iPad and when I share my posts on Twitter I always do a quick scroll through my feed. I generally come across a number of tweets that just make me want to ask "why?" Why would someone tweet something as ordinary as "gotta buy some milk" or "in traffic". Of course, there are the users who tweet links to charities, causes or blogs (the latter including me) among other things that I do not really care about but it is nice to know people are more than just superficial. The worst part is that we, as a society, eat into that sort of stuff. I mean a tweet I saw that literally said "need some more milk #notetoself" had more favorites and re-tweets (who would re-tweet that?) than a post about a cause/charity which was right below it. Even yesterday our Prime Minister (of Australia if your new or not local) Kevin Rudd (@KRuddMP) tweeted a picture of himself after he cut himself shaving. First of all, this somehow made every news bulletin that day (even when I was at the dentist I saw it on the Television). I know, our Prime Minister cutting himself shaving is a hard-hitting news story but did it really need that much attention? Second of all, and following on from before, my Mum since told me "Oh, you Rudd yourself. Be careful" After I cut myself shaving because Dad freaked me out (thanks a lot). At first I was a little shocked that our Prime Minister's name had already become a verb (for cutting yourself shaving no less) after one day and one tweet. Do you see what I mean now? Before Twitter this would have happened on Facebook but since Twitter is the new Facebook (in some respects) this has become a growing concern.

Be careful what you tweet or it might come back to haunt you, see you tomorrow!

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