Monday 22 July 2013


There are just way too many acronyms out there it just really becomes annoying. There are also abbreviations which are also so plentiful they are beginning to put me on the edge. As you may know I am currently completing a Recruit course for the CFA. You may also know that the CFA really love their acronyms. So in the theory portion of the course there is a lot of acronyms to get used to. Also, in school, I am currently doing Game Design as an elective. This means a lot of programming, which is fun, but also means a lot of abbreviations. Seriously, where will it end?

As I was saying the CFA have a number of acronyms they love to use. For one, they have their name (CFA = Country Fire Authority) but then you also have the sub-organisations such as VFBV (Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria). They also use a lot of acronyms for equipment like BA (Breathing Apparatus). Even in the theory there is a lot to look out for like SPADRA (Safe Person Approach and Dynamic Risk Assessment), WATCHOUT (Weather, Actions, Try-out, Communicate, Hazards, Observe, Understand, Think), and LACES (I'm not even going to explain what that one is) just to name a few. In programming there is a lot of abbreviations just to make it quicker and easier to code. For example lbl (label), btn (button) and many more. Where is our English language going? We'll probably wake up one day and be speaking entirely in acronyms.

Don't ruin our English, see you tomorrow!

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