Tuesday 23 July 2013

Sandy Logic

I may have mentioned Sandy all too often on this blog. However, if you are new or have no idea what I am talking about, Sandy is my dog. Sandy is also the name my parents mess mine up with all too often. It happens way too often for it to be normal but moving on. Throughout Sandy's three and a half years of life I have noticed quite a number of strange things he does that can sometimes shock me as I am not expecting it. Sometimes it also makes me laugh while at other times it can just make me wonder. So in today's post I am going to fill you in on some of the quirky and strange things Sandy does all too often to be just a 'phase'.

Photo Credit: Luke M.

Like many dogs, Sandy loves attention. Unlike some dogs Sandy also has some form of Separation Anxiety as Mum took time off work when we first got him and he became very used to having people around. It was a really hard (and loud) task of getting Sandy to stay outside but in the end he got used to it and only comes inside at night. So Sandy thinks himself quite adept at staring through glass doors. It really is freaky to wake up in the morning to see a dog just standing there staring at you. It is even scarier when it is dark and the only light is that reflecting off of his dark eyes. It is quite a sight to behold. When Sandy does come inside, however, most of the time he is in Mum and Dad's room and the door is shut. If either Mum or Dad are outside (mostly Mum) Sandy will stand and just stare at the wooden door as if he can see through it. I do not mean staring from a distance. I mean him being right up close with his nose mere millimetres from the actual wood. I swear he thinks he can actually see through it. Then there are the times whenever you go outside. Sandy has a mentality that if you are outside you are out there for him. Some may call this a narcissistic personality disorder but I just call it "Sandy". So as you can see, Sandy is a very quirky and interesting dog and I am sure we all have stories of our pets. If you wish to share why not comment down below or via the contact form to the right. If you wish you could send it to legolukeytutorials@gmail.com and I will get back to you.

Sharing is caring, see you tomorrow.

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