Thursday 8 August 2013


There are a lot of people, places and things in our life that can make us cranky. The thing is, we are all different and so react in a myriad of ways. Some times our reactions are slow and drawn out while other times it is short and sharp. We can never truly know when our inner crankiness will be unleashed but we can generally feel it coming on. We all just get a little annoyed at everything and what we would normally forgive gets blown out to epic proportions. I guess the best we can do is keep moving on and past the experiences that ruin our moods.

I wrote earlier that we all get cranky from different sources. Some people get cranky when they are hungry. This is often referred to as being 'hangry'. Basically whenever you feel hungry you also have feelings of anger and your tolerance is virtually non-existent. This is very similar to the more common tired cranky which is basically the same as being 'hangry' except instead of feelings of hunger there is fatigue. This is the type of cranky I experience. Throughout the day I contain myself and any outbursts are all jokes and not serious. Despite how annoying some people can be I just soldier on and contain myself. However, this also means that when I get home my patience is virtually non-existent (except where Sandy is involved) and you do not want to cross me when I am in one of those moods. Like the Hulk, you would not like me when I am angry. So you see there are different types of cranky and each one is different for each person.

If you feel yourself close to an outburst, try to remove yourself from the situation. See you tomorrow!

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