Monday 5 August 2013

The Twelfth Doctor

That's right, BBC has announced the actor to be portraying the Twelfth Doctor. Peter Capaldi was announced as the lucky actor during a special live-broadcast (on ABC at 4am in Australia). If you have been living under a rock or, like the majority of people, do not watch (or follow closely) Doctor Who then you probably had no idea that the eleventh doctor, played by Matt Smith, was finishing (I guess you could sort of call it retiring from the role). This left many fans disappointed earlier this year when it was revealed Smith was leaving but also left others hopeful for the future with talks of possibly a female doctor going around. However, after a long interview process Peter Capaldi was the one selected and we all hope he can fill the big shoes left by many of his predecessors. I just can not wait to see the regeneration which I think is either happening in the 50th Anniversary Special (Premiering late November) or in the proceeding episodes. However, it is time to say goodbye to Matt Smith and looks towards the future and towards Peter Capaldi (I keep wanting to call him Nick, I do not know why).

The 55 year-old actor was born in Scotland is also a film director. He has had many roles throughout his career and is best known (perhaps) for his roles as Malcolm Tucker in the BBC comedy series The Thick of It and its follow-up film In the Loop. It would appear that yet another comedian (or at least actor adept at portraying comedy) is to fill the shoes of the Doctor. However, each Doctor is known for different things and it will be interesting to see how this incarnation of the Doctor acts and reacts to the things around him. At high school he was also the lead singer of the punk-rock band called Dreamboys. Just a bit of a fun fact to lighten the paragraph. For more information on Peter Capaldi you can click this link which will take you to the Wikipedia page because if you can not trust Wikipedia, who can you trust? Just so you know, I am joking here. I know that Wikipedia is not one-hundred-percent reliable. I can not wait to see how this Doctor works and look forward to his appearance.

The Doctor is watching you, see you tomorrow!

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