Saturday 31 August 2013

Stubborn Sandy

So I realise that this blog is doing a lot of discussion around Sandy. In that respect you could say that Sandy is a "Daily Lukey Star". Getting past that horrible title and introduction lets move on to the new 'topic' for 'discussion' today. So Sandy definitely has his moments and the poor dog is quite the source of inspiration. I swear, each time I take him for a walk (so basically every day) I find at least three points of inspiration for my post. However, I tend to save these posts for a rainy day. For instance, the day I write this post is Saturday yet it is scheduled for release tomorrow (Sunday to those of you reading this). As it is Fathers Day in Australia today (Sunday 1st September for those of you reading this post days after it was posted) I did not want to worry about writing a post. Okay, enough of that crap. The truth is I started writing this post for Saturday but forgot that I had my political party series that night. Since I had already given it a break on Thursday I could not do it again so here we are right now. Then the truth is that I published it with the stupid schedule thing not working so it came out today instead of tomorrow. Now you know the truth so let's move on. Politics coming out tomorrow.

So today I discovered another point of inspiration from Sandy. Actually you could say I rediscovered it as he has done it many times before. The thing about Sandy is that at times he can be a bit lazy. Sometimes he gets two walks a day (these are both full hour walks mind you) when Mum and I take him at different times and within a few days he just does not want to go for another walk. Sandy is one of the only dogs that I know that does this. He is so stubborn too that you can not drag him along as he sits his bum down or stands tall and does not move. He also gives you a face full of concentration when you try to pull him. As soon as you  let go however his face becomes very happy as he thinks he has won. Usually he does this as we are about to leave our front step at home. However, today he decided he would make me look like an idiot when we were crossing the road. We get to the corner and he sits like we always do. I praised him and then I started to move across the road. I put the 'I' in bold on purpose. Sandy made me look like an idiot by not moving and just sitting there. I thought at first he was just been cautious as there was a car coming even though it was a long way away. However, after five minutes of me struggling to cross the road I discovered it was just Sandy being stubborn. At one point I was holding it with two hands and it was only when I used my whole body to try and move Sandy that he, begrudgingly, began moving. I thought that would be all but no, a few stops down he does it again. It was obvious he just wanted to go home though because if you went in any direction he recognised as the way home he would move again. It was really annoying and incredibly embarrassing. Sandy is one stubborn dog.

A walk a day keeps the dog at bay (unless they are full of energy), see you tomorrow!

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