Sunday 4 August 2013


Today was yet another one of those rainy days and I have no idea where I thought I was going with this sentence. Basically, if you are new or did not notice the hyperlink on the text above or (like me) could not be bothered reading another post then you will not know (but now will) that I like rainy days. The reasons for which I will not go into as I already did in the post I linked above (I think). However, today was one of those exceptions where I wished that it had not rained. I suppose that is why I titled today's post "wet" instead of something more descriptive or just something 'more' like "wetter" or "wet days". Anyway, back to the topic, there was a fair bit of stuff that was done today but I am sure more could have been done if it had not rained.

Is it just me or are we using more and more excuses everyday? For example, if it is raining that is just another excuse not to do something you knew you were most likely not going to do anyway. So, when I say rain can be annoying I mean it. Lucky for me I had one of those rare weekends where I had no homework. Before I go on, I have something to admit. Between the last sentence and the one before it I may have gotten a little distracted. Somehow, while typing this I started thinking about the RMIT open day next Sunday and from there I began wondering when the Melbourne University one was. Long-story-short I was halfway through signing up for something online when I realised I was still writing this. Sorry guys, I will not blame the rain for this one though. I will blame my epic procrastination skills though. Wow, I have gone off topic so much during this post. It is starting to become a problem. So, because I had no homework (casually proceeding as if nothing ever happened) I learnt how it felt to be my middle brother for a change. If you read my post the other day on frustration you will know what I mean. It was relaxing but I also did manage to help Dad stack up the wood he cut as well as go on a driving lesson and visit my grandmother. So you see it was not entirely a waste of a weekend but rather one of those relaxing ones you need every so often to just refresh yourself. I am sorry about this post as it has been all over the place and only the introduction really had anything to do with wet days.

If I ever go off on a tangent just continue reading as if nothing is happening, see you tomorrow!

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