Saturday 17 August 2013


Technology has made our lives better in so many ways. For one, it keeps us entertained. Keeping people entertained is one hell of a good thing sometimes. Especially when you are somewhere like a restaurant and need to keep the kids entertained so they do not, as the phrase goes, "run a muck". Before I go on, can I just point out how weird "run a muck" sounds. I mean, it seems as though someone is actually managing a muck. I have no idea how that one came about but anyway, moving on. So yeah, in my life keeping people entertained so they do not get bored is a big plus and all these new technological advances in devices and applications makes life so much easier for us and for them.

Before any of these technologies came about people, especially children, would just get bored. Even if they bought a book they would still get bored. Let's face it, for children, books are only interesting for a little while and soon they just become boring and the child moves on. When the Nintendo DS came around this all changed. Suddenly the kids were bringing their portable game consoles and playing through games that would keep them entertained for the whole time. However, they soon became bored of playing alone so then came the multi-player. Not just any multi-player, wireless multi-player. Yeah, I went there. This would keep them entertained for even longer as all they would want to do is beat each other and just keep playing until they had 'won'. Soon though the DS was left uncharged and forgotten so when they came to play it there was nothing to play for it was flat. Even if they got passed this hurdle they began to get bored. Then Apple came out with the 'new' iPod Touch which kept people entertained for hours with the number of new applications coming out daily growing exponentially. Yeah, we just finished the exponential and logarithm chapter in Methods. Finally the kids remained entertained for a long time as once they got bored of a game, they would simply move onto the next one. If they ever ran out of new games to play they would just download a new one. Luckily these are still working today and it makes our lives heaps easier. Without them they would get bored and basically "run a muck". Technology, you have done wonders in our lives.

Technology helps in more ways than one, see you tomorrow!

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