Friday 30 August 2013


When I say lost I am not discussing the 'popular' television show and instead I am talking about the adjective used to describe an action. This action is often embarrassing and generally annoying. If you have ever lost something, which I am sure you have, then you will know what I mean. It can be very annoying to not have something that you spend ages trying to find. There is so much in our world that we can lose and these can range from our belongings to other things like feelings and other items. No matter what it is that we lose we generally feel something for it. I know in the numerous (and I mean numerous) times that I have lost things that I have always felt really worried, even if it is for a short time. However, nothing can compare (well at the time at least) to the feeling of relief you experience when you find the item you lost. It's magic.

Losing something can turn your good day into something of a nightmare. It can turn the brightest day dull and... Yeah, I am going to stop as I am going off on a crappy metaphorical rampage here. Basically losing something sucks. It sucks so much that you just want to disappear into nothing. I have lost my phone on numerous occasions. Granted these were generally for short periods of time but even for those short periods of time I felt a worry so deep that it manifested into some physical pit in my stomach threatening to... yeah, I really need to stop doing that because it happens too much. Back on the topic, while I search like hell for this I become very religious. At no other point in time am I as religious as when I have lost something. I pray and pray and pray to saint Anthony that I will find what it is I am looking for. Why do I pray to saint Anthony? Well that is because if you lose something you pray to Saint Anthony and you eventually find it. It has worked sometimes for me but I swear he must get so sick of me. Plus, the only time I really get heavily religious is when I lose something so in that respect it is a positive. Anyway, I have to go now because I keep losing track of where I am at.

Don't lose yourself in this blog though I give you permission to do so, see you tomorrow!

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